Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can you say "exhausted"?

So yesterday was our first Dolo Delinquents practice with our new drummer, Kyle...

It was awesome. He's only 16, but man can that kid play. Way to go Kyle, thanks for becoming a part of our little family.

Aside from that, I've been walking everywhere for that past 3 days. Everywhere. I am tired... My back is covered in sweat from my backpack which is full of water and my little red notebook that I write stuff in. Everything from quotes to little journal passages and lyric ideas for songs. Gotta say, it's very handy.

Been listening to a lot of Big D lately, which is definitely bleeding through in the lyrics of our upcoming EP. I think it's gonna sound fantastic considering I'm playing with some of the most talented people I know. After a long period of time of bad news, having an awesome band practice is a breath of fresh air. Also been booking a couple shows, at least one in October and one in November. I'm stoked to begin playing shows again... Even if the crowd only consists of seven or eight little emo girls for the first couple of shows :-)

So on other news... How about that mosque that's going up? Pretty cool stuff :-) I for one don't really care much about what these folks wanna do with their land. This country, though screwed up as it is, is based upon the idea of freedom... Something that a lot of people have forgotten. I'm not an advocate of organized religion at all, but I am an advocate of personal rights and freedom to choose what to do with your life without governmental policies getting in the way of that. That is, after all, what makes me an anarchist :-)

Be safe, have fun, get off the internet and enjoy this bright and sunny day (well, it's bright and sunny in Vegas anyways)!



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